Archive for October, 2021

Customer loyalty should be rewarded, not punished

By now, most of us will have digested Microsoft’s recent licensing / price changes.  As difficult as they can be to swallow, the fact remains that there really is limited choice, other than to simply choke it down.

Of course, it does trigger the need to review your license base and ensure you are licensing your users, devices, and services in the most cost-effective way.  Unfortunately, the outcome is always the same, and the vendor related spend keeps going up.

As a cloud service provider, we’re often stuck in the middle and typically end up being the bearer of bad news when vendors unilaterally decide to impose these charges.

However, we fully understand the bad taste that this can leave.  So instead of punishing customer loyalty, we want to reward it by not passing price increases through to our existing customers.  The rate card you have today for your cloud services, will always be your rate card.  So anytime a vendor pushes out an increase to its license costs, we will absorb those costs; essentially passing that on as a de facto discount or reward for your loyalty.

If your cloud bills are considerably more today than what you had originally planned and budgeted for, then get in touch.  We can help get your cloud costs under control and provide a guaranteed fixed price, whilst delivering better performance, for your cloud server estate.

Digital Transformation Summit 2021

OSG Cloud is pleased to announce that it will be exhibiting at the 6th Annual Digital Transformation Summit

Thursday 28th October 2021, 0830 – 1630

Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh (and on their Virtual Platform)

The Summit

Organisations are changing, the rapid pace of the digital world has necessitated a fundamental shift in mindset. Digital has disintermediated markets; disrupted organisational structures, created new risks and new revenue streams and fundamentally altered the way businesses engage with their customer.

The most influential companies of our age share a common ability to understand two things effectively: people and technology. In these turbulent times, success is increasingly defined by the ability to respond to the fast-changing landscape and exceed the expectations of the people we serve.

​DT 2021 will contextualise the key technology trends and industry disruption amidst a backdrop of significant socio-economic upheaval. The event will also consider the role of IT and Digital leaders in driving positive transformation, exploring how we can help support operations, drive innovation, overcome challenges, and deliver tangible business benefits.

Core themes:

  • Landscape: Uncertainty, Recovery, Sustainability, Remote Teams
  • Process: Strategy, Structure, Optimisation, Agile, DevOps
  • Design: Customer Centricity, UX, Functionality, Simplification
  • Technology: Remote Tools, Data Analytics, AI, ML, RPA, Cloud
  • People: Culture, Collaboration, Leadership, Diversity, Empowerment

In-Person Ticket :

Virtual Ticket:


And the Winner is…. Outsource

Outsource are absolutely delighted to have been awarded the Dell Technologies Rising Star Award 2021.

In presenting this Colm Greene, Director Channel Sales for Dell Ireland commented “We recognise Outsource’s commitment to growth and the innovation they have demonstrated and more importantly being brave and approaching things differently across what’s been a very strange and challenging year“.

With such a strong shortlist, (congratulations again to the other nominees, BT, Softcat and EOS), this is a major achievement for Outsource and highlights the dedication of our staff, our commitment to our customers and a significant stamp of approval for Outsource from one of the world’s leading IT companies.

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