Archive for July, 2023

Unbreakable: Safeguard Your Data with Immutable Backups

Engaging a cloud provider to provide and ensure immutable backups is a significant strategic decision. Not all providers are the same, nor are they universally suitable for every business. There are several considerations that come in to play when evaluating the most appropriate cloud provider and its services should reflect your unique business requirements and closely align to your strategic objectives.

Consider the scalability and flexibility of the service. Your should be able to adapt, evolve and grow your business without any unnecessary disruptions or needing substantial resources to manage and migrate data.

Pay attention to security standards. You want a provider who places a high priority on data security, using strong encryption protocols, and adheres to the highest compliance standards. Remember, with immutable backups, the cloud provider essentially holds the key to your business’s existence.

Review and continually assess and challenge the provider’s reliability and disaster recovery plan. How fast and effective is the recovery process in the event of data loss? Your business continuity depends on this. The cost of downtime can quickly add up, so choosing a cloud provider that can provide a robust and reliable recovery plan is crucial.

Customer support, service level agreements (SLAs) and contractual obligations are essential. A provider with a 24/7 support system and clear, favourable and guaranteed SLAs delivers better return for your investment.

Consider the provider’s reputation. Look for demonstrable track records and customer testimonials to ensure they are trustworthy and reliable.

Remember, choosing a cloud provider isn’t just about finding a place to store your data. It’s about aligning with a partner that supports your business strategy, understands your needs, and offers the right services that’s fit and appropriate to help you grow and succeed.  Carefully evaluating your own requirements and mapping them against the offerings of prospective providers will ensure that you select a partner that provides not just storage, but also long-term value and security for your business.

In essence, the cloud provider you chose for your immutable backups is a fundamental extension of your business. Much more than just a vendor; it’s a strategic partner integral to your overall success. Select wisely, because your business’s future may depend on it.

Outsource Group’s Cloud offering provides comprehensive solutions tailored to meet any requirements for frequency, retention, RPO (Recovery Point Objective), and RTO (Recovery Time Objective), along with the crucial aspect of immutable copies of data guaranteeing the ability to recover. By documenting and contractually committing to your recovery expectations, Outsource Group instils confidence and assurance. This level of business protection becomes even more critical in the current landscape of increasing ransomware and cybersecurity threats.

If you have any concerns or would like to hear more about how Outsource Group can help your business, please get in touch

Tara Leathem appointed as Business Development Manager

Tara Leathem has been appointed as the new Business Development Manager at Outsource Group. Tara has over 20 years of experience in business development and software solutions, IT and renewable energy, owning her own business for 10 years, which offered web solutions to over 120 clients across Northern Ireland and Ireland. At Outsource Group, Tara will be overseeing all new business development activities across IT Managed Services, Cyber Security, Cloud and Telecoms as well as developing relationships with the company’s current client base. She will also be seeking new business development opportunities in both the public and private sectors.

The End of an Era: Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 Reach End of Support

Microsoft has officially announced the end of support for Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2. While it might feel a little like saying goodbye to an old friend, this necessary evolution is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy, secure, and efficient IT infrastructure.

What Does End of Support Mean?

Microsoft’s product lifecycle typically includes a period of mainstream support, followed by extended support, and then reaches the end of support. During the mainstream phase, users receive free updates, patches, and can access warranty claims. Once a product enters the extended support phase, users can still receive security updates, but other types of updates cease, and warranty claims are no longer available.

Now that Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 have reached the end of support, no further security updates, patches, or support assistance will be available from Microsoft. Essentially, you’re on your own.

The Risks of Running Unsupported Software

Running outdated and unsupported software exposes your infrastructure to significant risks, including:

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Without ongoing security patches, your system becomes increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. This could lead to data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cybercrime that could severely damage your organisation’s reputation and finances.
  • Non-compliance: Depending on your industry, running unsupported software might breach regulatory compliance standards, leading to hefty fines and potential legal consequences.
  • Software Incompatibility: New applications and software are optimised for the latest operating systems. As a result, you might find that new software won’t run correctly on your outdated server – or won’t run at all.
  • Hardware Compatibility Issues: Similarly, as hardware technology advances, older operating systems may not fully support new hardware, leading to inefficiencies or system failures.
  • Increased Operational Costs: Unsupported software typically requires more maintenance and troubleshooting, resulting in higher operational costs over time.

Why You Should Upgrade or Migrate

The end of support for Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 signifies it’s time for businesses to upgrade or migrate to newer, supported versions such as Windows Server 2016, 2019, or take the leap into the future with Windows Server 2022. Migrating to a newer server OS provides several benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: Newer versions have advanced security features that can better protect your business against evolving cyber threats.
  • Improved Performance: You’ll enjoy the latest innovations in speed, efficiency, and usability with a new server operating system.
  • Better Compatibility: Updated server operating systems are designed to work seamlessly with the latest software and hardware.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Advanced versions offer better options for scalability and hybrid capabilities, including seamless integration with cloud services.
  • Extended Support: You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your server OS is backed by ongoing security updates, patches, and support from Microsoft.

In conclusion, while saying goodbye to Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2, it’s a necessary step to ensure the ongoing security, efficiency, and scalability of your IT infrastructure. The risks of clinging onto unsupported software far outweigh the investment in upgrading or migrating. Embrace the future and enjoy the benefits that the latest server technology has to offer. If you have any concerns, Outsource Group can help support with inventory management, creating an upgrade plan, implementation and ongoing monitoring. Don’t be left behind and together we can help safeguard your business from potential vulnerabilities.

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